Tecnología e Instalaciones - Clínica de Oftalmología, Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva Vejarano Laser Vision - LaserVision

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Tecnología e Instalaciones - Clínica de Oftalmología, Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva Vejarano Laser Vision

Technology and Facilities

We have first class facilities so that our patients are comfortable during their visit and receive professional attention in the medical area.

Our clinics have an ophthalmology equipment with the best technology in diagnostic.

Operating rooms, fully equipped ready for all ophthalmic procedures and plastic surgery in any subspecialty.


►  Aberrometer (wave front) ORK
►  Digital angiograph brand a Zeis
►  Biometer Alcon UltraScan
►  Perimeter computerized Zeiss brand Blue-Yellow
►  Ultrasound Alcon UltraScan
►  Interferomety
►  IOL Master
►  Digital Lensometers
►  Macula OCT
►  OCT of optic nerve

►  Retina OCT
►  Anterior segment OCT
►  ORA (anterior segment)
►  Ultrasonic pachymeter
►  Pentacam
►  Count Endothelial
►  Digital tensometer
►  Digital Tonometer
►  Corneal topographer
►  Vejarano Delaminator System

Vitual Tour

Operating Room


To view the virtual tour must have Quick Time

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